A Unique Recruiting Process with a Personal Focus

At the beginning of August, Niklas Söderberg, Malin Ekman, and Ulrika Eng were ready to take on their new roles at SES, Sponsoring & Event Service. Infinity HR was in charge of the recruiting – a job completed with enthusiasm, commitment, and engagement. All three candidates have reported to us that their interest in their current positions has increased as a result of the recruitment process thanks to Infinity HR.

– I felt both seen, heard, and coached during the recruiting process, Malin Ekman, Marketing & Communications manager at SES, says.

She goes on to talk about how the personal approach of Infinity HR constituted a red thread throughout all of her interview sessions. Ulrik Eng, Membership and Event Manager at SES, agrees:

– My experience is that Infinity HR’s recruiting process is unique! Their energy combined with their structured approach transforms interview sessions into meetings. It’s extraordinary to experience a recruiting process this personal and positive.

Even Niklas Söderberg, Operations Manager at SES, thinks that the Infinity HR’s personal approach was an important pillar in his positive hiring experience.

– The contact with Infinity HR always feels inviting. The interviews made me develop personally; something I would take with me even if I did not move forward in the current process. Somehow their interview technique means getting the best out of every candidate.

Malin, Ulrika, and Niklas all agree that the positive communication between them as candidates and Infinity HR’s recruiters played a big part in what made their recruitment experience a success. They explain that they received crystal-clear information about the recruiting process and how the process would take place, which only served to increase their job interests further.

– After the interview, which seemed more like a meeting, I just got more interested. Everything got very clear: Infinity HR is passionate about a perfect match and wants the right person for the right job. You see that clearly in the way they approach the process and the interaction with the candidates, Malin Ekman concludes.